Four girls from Prep School linking arms smiling

Our Vision

At Chard Prep School every child is a respected and valued individual. We strive to provide a caring, supportive environment based on traditional values, where all children will flourish. In pursuit of excellence the staff, governors, and parents work closely together to ensure children receive a rich, inspiring and engaging education that embraces academic excellence, cultural diversity, sporting achievements, musical and personal talents. We endeavour to nurture creativity and curiosity to develop a passion for learning, to enable each child to become a lifelong learner - confident, motivated and independent with high expectations of themselves.

The vision statement below gives an overview of our school’s values. To view the full vision please click here.

  • Teaching & Learning

    Through collaborative and reflective practices we will create a positive, safe learning environment

  • Curriculum Provision

    Designed to give cohesion, meaning and motivation to children’s learning, developing commitment, curiosity and creativity in each child

  • Individual care, guidance & support

    A strong ‘family friendly’ ethos will be embedded in all aspects of school life

  • Leadership, Management & Professional Development

    The school will be driven by the vision and the stakeholders will work together to implement it

uniti vireamus

United We Thrive

Meet the Head of School

Our Team

The School Day

“If wishes came true, I'd wish that I could stay at Chard Prep School for ever and ever.”

Pip G.
Chard Prep School Pupil

Contact Us

Feel free to contact us with any questions
Phone: 01460 63234
Chard Prep School
Fore Street
TA20 1QA


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