In the Early Years Foundation Stage Curriculum, we place emphasis on developing skills across seven key areas, categorised into three prime areas and four specific areas:
Prime Areas
Communication and Language: emphasising effective communication and language skills.
Personal, Social, and Emotional Development: prioritising personal, social, and emotional growth for well-rounded development.
Physical Development: promoting physical well-being and an active lifestyle.
Specific Areas
Literacy: providing a strong foundation in reading and writing to instil a love of language and literature.
Mathematics: nurturing numerical skills and problem-solving abilities for real-world challenges.
Understanding the World: encouraging curiosity and exploration of the environment.
Expressive Arts and Design: fostering artistic and imaginative expression.
From Reception to Year 3, English and Mathematics lessons are delivered by the class teacher. Thereafter, from Year 4 upwards, the children benefit from five lessons a week with our Head of English, and five with our Head of Mathematics.
In English, great emphasis is placed on building strong and creative writers. Staff draw on a wide range of literary genres and writing styles to inspire students and give them the confidence to express themselves articulately. Rigorous attention to spelling and grammar underpins this, with tailored weekly learning targets. Our reading programme encourages children to become independent, attentive readers, and fosters a love of story-telling as well as encouraging critical thinking skills. Students are offered opportunities to illustrate their work, read it to an audience, participate in competitions, have their work published and create podcasts, offering them a glimpse of the world beyond the classroom.
Our Mathematics curriculum is an enhanced version of the National Curriculum which ensures that all the national targets are met as standard, but extends further to cover those important 11+ topics. Students can feel confident when sitting senior/grammar school entrance tests, and this boosted programme ensures that all children take their next step into secondary education feeling well-prepared. Differentiated homework is set each week; this either extends or consolidates the learning objectives which have been covered in class. All children are individuals, and lessons are designed with this in mind. Maths is a great topic for getting hands-on with manipulatives, and our well-stocked resources allow the children to practically experience the theory that they learn in class.
Students from Reception upwards participate in PE lessons conducted on the School’s own Astroturf, in the School Gym, and on the Holyrood Academy games fields. In addition to timetabled PE lessons, all children take part in weekly swimming lessons at Chard Leisure Centre. The students are coached in various sports as part of the timetable, including Football, Rugby, Hockey, Cricket, Basketball, Netball, Rounders, Cross-Country Running, and Athletics. From Year 3, pupils begin representing the school in these sports.
The school curriculum incorporates Art and Design from the beginning of the school journey. Symes class (Reception) enjoy regular 'Drawing Club' sessions that let their imaginations flow while encouraging early mark-making and word/image interactions. From Year 1, the Art Studio becomes a key resource. Children explore Art, Craft, and Design from diverse cultures, exploring key themes such as colour, pattern, shape, tone, texture, and form. They acquire skills in a wide range of techniques, including painting, printmaking, textiles, collage, and three-dimensional design. Every topic includes opportunities for observational drawing, which we consider the cornerstone of successful art activities.
Chard Prep School takes great pride in the musical achievements of its pupils, and the importance of music is recognised throughout the School. To encourage children from the outset, music learning begins in the Reception Class (Symes) with simple songs and rhythms, which may be performed to parents and the rest of the School, in School Assemblies and at festivals and celebrations. From Year 1, pupils can choose to have individual instrumental tuition in school, as well as taking part in class, group and ensemble music sessions. Alongside singing lessons, the following instruments are offered for tuition: piano, ukulele, flute, violin, clarinet, drums, saxophone, and guitar – with pupils prepared for Associated Board examinations on a regular basis.
Class music and singing lessons take place from Year 1 to Year 6, and all pupils become members of the School Choir, which performs at our Harvest Festival, Remembrance Service, Carol Service, end of term concerts and at various other local concerts and events throughout the school year. The annual School Play includes singing and instrumental pieces, many of them solo, and gives a further opportunity for the older pupils to perform.
At Chard Prep School we produce a varied and exciting programme of plays and musicals, giving all students the chance to develop confidence in front of an audience and to showcase their individual talents. Beginning with the youngest members in the Pre-Prep classes, pupils take part in an annual Christmas production for parents and actively participate in school assemblies. The conclusion of the academic year includes the Cerdic Year 6 production, acting as a significant celebration that highlights the artistic and musical talents of the eldest students. Furthermore, Prep pupils frequently assume leadership roles in assemblies, showcasing their musical, dramatic, or poetic abilities. A notable example is the School Remembrance Service, which beautifully exhibits the children's proficiency in music and public speaking.
The range of activities varies according to the time of year, and changes on a termly basis. Clubs mainly take place after school and may incur a small charge as detailed in the Fees section. Recent clubs have included: Art, Chess, Choir, Cookery, Craft, Cricket, Crochet, Dance, Debating, Drama, Gardening, Gymnastics, Hockey, Juggling, Karate, Latin, Multi-sports, Music Ensemble,Netball, Pirates, Rounders, Science and Tag Rugby.
Chard Prep School students from Reception to Year 2 attend ten Forest School days throughout the autumn, spring and summer months at ROAM Outdoors Activity Centre. The students travel for a short journey by coach to spend the school day learning in a beautiful woodland setting, taught by qualified and experienced leaders. These popular sessions allow the students to develop positive outdoor experiences and an expressive relationship with the natural world. Activities have included woodland games, crafting, cooking, den-building, fire-lighting and free play.
Educational visits and workshops for all classes occur throughout the school year. Recent visits have included a visit to the Seaton Wetlands and fossil hunting on Charmouth Beach. Pupils in the Cerdic classes are invited to attend a residential trip, where they enjoy a variety of team-building and outdoor activities.

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“As a parent, I cherish the sense of community and history that embodies Chard Prep. It's a gentle place where the older children naturally look after and guide the younger ones”
Gemma B.
Chard Prep School Parent
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Feel free to contact us with any questions
Email: office@chardschool.co.uk
Phone: 01460 455126
Chard Prep School
Fore Street
TA20 1QA